The anti-cancer activity of Noscapine: A Review

Image via Wikipedia Noscapine is an isoqiunoline alkaloid found in opium latex. Unlike most other alkaloids obtained from opium latex, noscapine is not sedative and has been used as antitussive drug in various countries. Recently, it has been introduced as an anti-mitotic agent. This drug can be used orally.When the resistance to other anti-cancer drugs … Read more

Bosutinib – Bosulif approved for Leukemia by Pfizer

A new anticancer drug for Leukemia has been approved by FDA. The drug treats chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), a blood and bone marrow disease that usually affects seniors.   It works by inhibiting the enzyme Tyrosine Kinase.  

Centrosome Declustering: An Anticancer Strategy

Centrosome clustering  is a phenomenon associated with tumorigenesis. The clustering of centrosomes in cancer cells enables them to form a pseudo-bipolar mitotic spindle.   In cases which are very rare, this mechanism fails resulting in declustered centrosomes leading to a multipolar spindle. Spindle multipolarity in turn leads to mitotic arrest and finally cell death.