Ram C Mishra, PhD

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Here are the Three Surprising Factors That Have a Negative Effect on Your Weight Loss

 If you’re on a drive to lose some weight and become a much healthier version of yourself, you might find yourself surprised when you can’t do it. You’re eating right, you’re exercising regularly, and you’re doing everything else you’re supposed to do, so why aren’t you losing weight?

The answers might surprise you. Here are three potential ones.

 1. Mindless munching

 It’s a bad habit and one many people don’t even realize they indulge in. If you sit in an office or at home, working all day long, you might assume you haven’t time for anything but a quick bite at breakfast and lunch.

However, there’s a chance that you’ve been grabbing a handful of nuts or a candy bar, or a soda or some other highly unhealthy snack every time you pass a communal bowl or reach into your hand bag. Mindless munching is called “mindless” because you don’t realize you’re doing it.

 Try keeping a journal of your eating habits and make it a point to write down every piece of candy or morsel of something you take in throughout the day.

 2. Medications you take

 Unfortunately, if you suffer from health issues that require you take certain medications, there may be nothing you can do about the side effect being unable to lose weight. However, if you talk to your doctor about looking for medical alternatives to these drugs, you might be able to get your weight loss program back on track.

 3. Stress levels

 Your stress level can have a huge impact on your ability to shed pounds. If you’re too stressed, it might cause you to do one of two things: plateau on the weight loss or lose too much weight and become less healthy because of that.

 Some of the most common causes of stress are finances, shopping for a new home or mortgage, work, family, relationship issues, and even depression. The good news is that exercise can help you lose weight, become more fit, and lower your stress levels.

 Try working out for at least 30 minutes per day, even if all you do to exercise is walk. It’s healthy, it’s good for you, and it can lower your levels of tension and anxiety.

 So many things in your day-to-day life affect your health and your ability to lose weight. By eliminating the things that aren’t working for you and becoming aware of the things that could be hindering your progress, you can take greater control.

A healthy lifestyle makeover is often all it takes to get your weight under control.

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