Ram C Mishra, PhD

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It was the annual New Year’s Lunch Party for Rega Institute’s Med Chem Team at Groot Begijnhof.

As we were leaving after finishing our lunch, he was curious to see five indians in the team and asked, if I am from Pune (India). I told that I am from Lucknow, if he knows..He said he knows Saxena (Dr Anil Kumar Saxena, AK Saxena) there and has collaboration with around 60 labs in India. As I did my PhD from there (CDRI, Lucknow) and worked in Dr Saxena’s lab (I was working in Tripathi Research Group).

Erik De Clercq

 Prof. Erik De Clercq

Bijzonder gasthoogleraar (Emeritus Professor), Department of Microbiology and Immunology


Since I came to Rega, I was very eager to see him

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