Ram C Mishra, PhD

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There are all kinds of benefits you’ll enjoy when you’re on a path to better health, especially if you’ve spent the most recent months or years stuck in an unhealthy series of habits. There are advanced explanations of the biophysics and biochemistry involved with such positive benefits, of course, but they can be simplified down to everyday language

The five basic parts of life that improve immediately after weight loss are summarized and presented below.

1. Self-esteem

This is perhaps the most important benefit to losing weight. Not only does a healthier sense of self-esteem improve every aspect of your life, from mental health to interpersonal relationships, but it’s an important factor in retaining sufficient motivation to keep your newly acquired habits in operation.

It’s an odd cycle, but the truth of the matter is, a positive level of self-esteem (however you arrive at it) will greatly increase the odds of your enjoying positive self-esteem in the future. Exercise and losing weight can get you there.

2. How others treat you

This is more indirectly true. People may not really treat you better just because you’ve lost weight, but they’ll often treat you better because you are projecting a positive attitude and overall good vibe. People will tend to return your smile with a smile of their own.

3. Diabetic risk

We are currently heading toward an epidemic of people who will be diabetic or pre-diabetic, thanks to our heavily toxic food supply and so many people’s misunderstanding of proper diet.

Luckily, new diets that limit grains and dairy are playing a major role in helping people reduce their risk of diabetes. Losing weight is a substantial part of that equation!

4. Cancer risk

Obesity is tied to cancer, and we all know that cancer is bad. There’s really nothing more to say here.

5. Thyroid function

It turns out that a lot of the things that cause you to gain weight are also bad for your thyroid function. As you embark on healthy new habits that involve dieting and exercise, you’ll likely find that your metabolism seems to be more regulated and stable that it was before.

That’s because your thyroid function is improving. There are supplements that can speed that recovery process further, and you can find them if you do your research.

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