ट्विटर Updates for 2009-02-12
आज २३:५५ तक दिल्ली में, कल सुबह इलाहाबाद पहुंचेंगे | # Powered by Twitter Tools.
हिन्दी ब्लॉग – by RC Mishra
आज २३:५५ तक दिल्ली में, कल सुबह इलाहाबाद पहुंचेंगे | # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Started preparations to leave Leuven... # Powered by Twitter Tools.
My original iPaq hw6915 (Italiano) is now with English ROM and हिन्दी support.
Its already 01:45, have to sleep and getup by 05:15 to catch the train to Brussels an d then to Cologne