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इस वर्ष आश्विन नवरात्रि ३० सितम्बर से प्रारम्भ हो चुका है। वसन्त नवरात्र के बारे मे इस ब्लॉग पर एक पोस्ट यहाँ है। देवी सरस्वती और माँ दुर्गा की तस्वीरें http://thedesertofman.wordpress.com/ और http://4to40.com से आभार सहित।
Navratri began on Ashwin Shukla 1 (30th September 2008) this year. According to one school of thought, Sri Mahakali (who has a tama pre-dominant temperament) is worshipped on the first 3 days of Navratri, to reduce the tama component in ourselves. The next 3 days, to enhance our sattva component, Sri Mahalakshmi (who has a sattva pre-dominant temperament) is worshipped and on the last 3 days, to intensify the spiritual practice, Mahasaraswati (who has a raja pre-dominant temperament) is worshipped.
During this vowed religious observance, a pot is installed (घटस्थापना, ghatasthapana) in a sanctified place at home. A lamp is kept lit in the pot for nine days. The pot symbolizes the Universe. The uninterrupted lit lamp is the medium through which we worship the effulgent Adishakti, i.e. Sree Durgadevi. During Navaratri, the principle of Sree Durgadevi is more active in the atmosphere. When we understand the spiritual science behind the various rites that come under the worship of Sree Durgadevi, we become worthy of absorbing more of the Divine energy principle, thereby acquiring more of Her grace.
एनिमेशन देखने के लिये चित्र पर क्लिक करें।
During the nine days of Navratri, Sri Durgadevi wanders in the Universe along with Her nine weapons, with the help of the Absolute Fire Principle. Roaming every day in new forms, the Primal Divine Energy completely annihilates the distressing frequencies coming from the seven Patals (the nether regions) to the earth every day, in an ascending order. The distressing frequencies transmitted by the negative energies and the chaitanya (Divine consciousness) frequencies of the destroyer form of the Primal Divine Energy are continuously at war in the Universe.
Sree Durgadevi mounts fierce attacks of radiance with lightning speed, with Her weapons. The pot and the Holy lamp in it are therefore worshipped as a symbol of this. The heat generated by the lamp in the pot denotes the scorching atmosphere created as a result of the continuous war that goes on in the Universe for nine days. The Holy lamp is the symbol of radiance that is created by the weapons and missiles of the Primal Divine Energy. The act of worshipping the pot also awakens the destroyer-chaitanya of Sree Durgadevi and wipes out the distressing frequencies present in the Vastu.
-हिन्दू जागृति संगठन से प्राप्त ई-मेल पर आधारित।