Chem-Bio & Life!

हिन्दी ब्लॉग – by RC Mishra

कल बाइक टूर है, जिसमे हमारे शोध समूह के अधिकांश सदस्य जायेंगे। हमारे रिसर्च ग्रुप मे मुझे लेकर ५ भारतीय हैं। मैं, श्रीनिवास डुम्ब्रे, माहेश्वर कुन्डारापू, मोहितोष माइती और किशोर जो नही जा रहा है। मै पहली बार किसी बाइक टूर पे जा रहा हूं, वो भी किराये की लेकर। मानचित्र वगैरह दे दिये गये हैं, और डिनर तक का कार्यक्रम भी।

सिन्त – त्रुदेन का मौसम कैसा रहता है, इसका टूर पर विशेष प्रभाव पड़्ने वाला है। आज यहां दोपहर मे काफ़ी बारिश हुई है।

Dear bikers,

As you can guess, we have something to do tomorrow.

We meet at Rega at 09:00, load our bikes (if you don’t rent it) on a carriage (Luc) and leave at 9:15 by several cars (thanks Luc, Katrijn, Kim, Piet, Sonia and Arthur).

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We arrive to St.Truiden at 10:00 at car park (map 1, punt 1), walk to Tourism bureau, Grote Markt (map 1, punt 2), where we can rent bikes, have maps and other information about the region we are.

We start biking from punt 135 (map 1 and 2). Then follow numbers (see map 2)
–134–168–167–164–163 (here we stop for refreshment in the pub
‘Katarakske’) –164–160–158(here we stop for a lunch in the pub ‘Here van Heers’)–159–163–direction 161 till Chateau de la Motte, here stop for make group picture – Helshoven, there is a fruit market (fresh apple juice and apples can be bought here) –161–151–152 (here we stop for refreshment in a pub in Borgloon) –153–162–170–direction 169 till the pub ‘Oud Rijkelen’, we stop for refreshment–170–171–189–135.

We expect to arrive to Grote Markt at 17:30 and return rented bikes.
Then we walk back to the car park (map 1, punt 1) and cars (thanks above mentioned people) bring us to the Sportcomplex (map 1, punt 3), where we have a shower and dress for a dinner. Then cars bring us to the restaurant ‘Gebrande Winning’, Zeppenweg 7 (map 1, punt 4).

Hereby the discription of the way:

To Sint-Truiden:
– take the highway E40 till Tienen, exit 23
– next round point , first to the right
– follow ring of Tienen till next round point and take N3 to Sint-Truiden
– on the round point of Sint-Truiden follow the direction of Station N3e
– behind the bridge over the railway take left to the parking place

from parking place station to Grote Markt Sint-Truiden:
– follow the Stationsstraat
– on the next junction go straight into Tiensestraat
– the 4th streat to the left is the Grote Markt
– standing in front of the stadhuis the tourism bureau is at the left side

from the parking place station to the Sporthal Tuinwijk:
– follow the Prins Albertlaan till square Ridders de Menten
– take Diestersteenweg and first left Viaductstraat
– first right Hoveniersstraat
– continue straight Rummenweg
– on round point 3th right (left) Zonnebloemlaan
– straight to Sportlaan

from Sporthal to Restaurant:
– to the left Grevensmolenweg
– 3th streat to the right; Spoorwegstraat
– first right; Prins Albertlaan
– second left; stationsstraat
– next junction straight; Tiensestraat
– left to the Grote Markt right; Plankstraat
– first right; Houtmarkt
– first left; Nieuwpoort
– first right; Tichelrijstraat
– second left; Zeppereweg nr7

See all of you tomorrow! Hice trip!

Organization committee

Rega Institute
Lab. Medicinale chemie
Minderbroedersstraat 10
3000 Leuven, Belgium

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3 thoughts on “बाइक टूर Bike tour in Sint Truiden, Belgium

  1. पहले बताया होता तो अपन भी चलते यार। चलो फ़िर कभी सही।शुभकामनाऎं।

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